Our Expected Standards
The first of our EQUIP principles is ‘Expect the very best’. As educationalists we believe that these expectations should be clear and well understood so staff, governors and students alike can aspire to be the very best.
Our expected standards are contained in a single guide which you can download here. This document is reviewed each year because our standards are evolving as we develop and mature as a Trust.
The document contains the following sections.
- Expected standards for Teachers based on the national UK teacher standards but rearranged into our EQUIP headings.
- Expected standards for Teaching Assistants based on a range of current national standards arranged into our EQUIP headings.
- Expected standards for all other roles in SMART as well as a blank pro-forma for specialist support staff to construct their own agreed standards.
- Leadership Ladders. These are the standards of leadership expected for different roles across the trust.