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Team Around the School

How we formed TAS

In 2018 SMART teamed up with Cornwall Council to explore ways in which we could help in our civic duty of bringing community networks together around the needs of our young people.  After a number of exploratory projects we launched the TAS initiative in 2020.

We initially formed a TAS group for each town in our region and then realised that most of the attendees were serving the needs of more than one town, hence in September of 2021 we restructured and now run  a half termly meeting for the whole of Caradon and then directly after this meeting, break into town based meetings for more local discussions on the same topic.

What is our mission

Our mission is simply to act as a meeting place for all services that support young people in South East Cornwall from pre-birth to employment.

How does TAS work?

We decide on a topic in advance of the meeting and then bring together all of the charities, agencies and services who play a part in the topic of discussion.

The meetings use Microsoft Teams as the virtual meeting space as this has proved the most commonly used and reliable platform.

The meeting allows us to re-connect with services, providers and individuals and to share ideas and solutions.  We don’t discuss individual cases or individual students but we do share when we have had positive results and what we did to achieve them so that others can learn from our experiences.

How is TAS funded?

In order to establish the group and respond to the need we set up the meetings and have agreed to fund them from SMART for an initial two years.  In this time we are seeking a source of external funding that will allow us to establish the service sustainably.

How to get involved

Please contact ( for details of how to get involved

Notes from our previous meetings

All notes and circulars are passed between members of the group and are available once you have joined.  There is no joining fee, but we do retain the right to remove your access if you attempt to use the meeting to sell goods or services.