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Student Leaders across the Trust

Our nominated Trust leaders from each of our six schools have done an excellent job of representing their peers once again this year. Our decision to limit the term of this role created an influx of new talent to the group and it was great to see their confidence build as we moved from virtual meetings at the start of the year, through to classroom based and then the student led face to face leadership conference which this year took place in Saltash.

Throughout the year I’m proud to say that over five hundred of our pupils were given leadership opportunities by their schools, organised by student leadership co-ordinators in each school working alongside young leaders. The Trust representatives played a key role in sharing news of these achievements culminating in our annual student leadership awards held in Trewidland in which twenty two students were recognised for their outstanding contribution to their peers and their community, including running successful bids, running clubs, representing their peers as a Cornish councillor, setting up support networks for other students in their school and a whole host of other activity requiring genuine leadership talent.

Throughout the year, our student leaders ask for feedback from their peers in a range of topics and this year they helped to devise a student questionnaire that has gone out to all students and will be repeated each year so that we can chart the improvements we make over time. The number one issue that the student body asked us for support with this year was the toilet facilities in each school so we have begun work across all sites to transform these facilities in line with this student guidance. Some of this work will be happening over this summer and nearly half a million pounds of work additional to this is then scheduled for the next academic year.

In September we will be starting again with new student leadership teams in each school and new representatives on the Trust student leadership group. The bar has been set extremely high by this outgoing group and we thank them for the excellent job they did throughout the year.